Masterclass. June 24, 11-3pm ET

"There is no effort in being you. The real exhaustion is your continual effort to be anyone else but you."
~ David Ellzey

Exhausted by life's many challenges?
There is a lot to deal with today; personally, politically, globally. It can all feel too big, too much, sometimes enraging, depressing, or overwhelming.
In fact, it is too much.
It's too much for a little "me", seemingly separate, alone, and powerless compared to an infinite universe. A me that believes it's small, not good enough, destined for and perhaps deserving of, failure, unworthy of love or happiness. These painful self-perceptions cause us to "want", but never "have", and yet exhaustively keep trying. THIS is what I would call endless effort.
Sound familiar? There is only one way out of this exhaustion - and to live more effortlessly and fully ...
Realize that your deepest nature is not confined to a little me.
This masterclass will help you do just that. With interactive learning and letting go with The Sedona Method, plus inquiry to specifically unveil the false self, you'll experience your true nature of boundless calm, intelligence, and a nourishing ease of being.
It’s Time To Get off The Hamster Wheel
of Effort
With 1 on 1 guidance and group support, you'll have a safe place to
give yourself permission to finally live with ease and rest as the truth of who you are.
Once you realize that the totality of who you are can never be bound by a limiting thought, feeling, perception, or experience, a profound new freedom and ease emerges. Effort diminishes as you flow in the river of life without resistance. On this course, we will:
- Gently uncover and face where your resistance to life exists
- Let go, release, and clear the noisy mind of drama, and ...
- Then with gentle compassion and love, see through the suffering of the false me, let go, and sense the unbound reality and freedom of who you truly are.
It’s time to softly unveil the truth and taste the potential of life beyond limits.

Become familiar with where in your life you resist things and how this creates effort for yourself. Discover the magic of flow.

Learn how self-love can diminish your misplaced dependency on the world as you effort to overcome painful self-judgment. Feeling fulfilled inside ourselves decreases effort in all areas of life.

Experience effortless living when you realize the space and freedom of what remains - after the limited me is seen through. The greater the absence of "me" - the greater the Presence of the true You.
As a global instructor of The Sedona Method, an author, mentor and coach in awakening, whether leading a United Nations Leadership Program or working with people of all walks of life, I’ve witnessed the courage of many to face and move past old ways of being. Interestingly, the core issue is the same for every person ...
In those countless hours of teaching and coaching, it has become clear that the core cause of emotional and spiritual exhaustion for people is the mistaken belief in a small, limited, and powerless "me" and its endless search for happiness.
Over a lifetime, I've developed an approach to seeing through this small illusory me - to unbound love and freedom. I combine ancient practices of non-dual inquiry, breath work, letting go with The Sedona Method, guided meditation, and the welcoming embrace of silence, the origin of all life.
Join me for this inner journey to love and effortless being.
"More than realizing I am not my story, I've come to experience peace of mind and joy as uninfluenced by events of this world and my life!"
~Jan Nolte
"Nothing else I have ever done compares. The lifting of long-held beliefs is nothing short of miraculous. It is so simple and subtle."
~ John Aslanian
Let me say it up front. You are not small. You are not broken. You are not powerless. As much as the mind tries to convince you, you are literally an expression of the infinite - as much as the pedal of a rose and the vast night sky.
If you sense this truth somewhere deep within, then I wager that somewhere inside you also yearn to live from this truth more fully with ease, in freedom, and unhindered.
If this is true, then this masterclass can be a doorway to you living this way - even with the humanness of daily life, but letting it control your happiness no longer. Join us for this enlightening journey of ease and freedom.

Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:
If you aren’t satisfied or have not found value in your Effortless Living masterclass, let us know within the first 14-days after the event for a full refund. Email: [email protected].
What will the half-day entail?
How much Sedona Method will be taught?
I've been on a spiritual journey a long time. Is this a beginners masterclass?
What is different about this masterclass?