Peace and Power of Being

A Sedona Method® Course in Freedom

Virtual. May 4-5, 2024




"There is no effort in being you. The real exhaustion is your continual effort to be anyone else but who you truly are; consciousness. The peace and power of beingness itself."

~ David Ellzey

Ready to live your daily life grounded in the ease of being?


Whether going through divorce, health or financial issues, life-decisions, or simply the challenges of daily life, peace and power are your inherent qualities. But how to access them? Read on.

Beingness is first - as the foundation of all life, without which we would not exist. It is before "doinginess" and is the true source from which rises universal intelligence, wise action, love, and the stillness to nourish our deepest needs. Learning to rest as beingness can seem like a new and radical idea.

We must question the identities we've held onto that mask our essence. From caretaker to victim, from rescuer to "not good enough." With compassion for the innocent origins of these roles, we'll gently release them to reveal the innate peace of our natural and unbound presence. 


"Because beingness is the essence of all that appears, when we relax into its arms, the heavens open to us to live with more peace and power." 

~ David Ellzey


A Sedona Method® Course in freedom.
May 4-5, 2024. Online. Times in FAQ's below.


The ancient truth is that prior to "doing" – there is silent being - from which all doing, the universe, and a fulfilled life of both stillness and movement spring forth.


Sadly, we have learned to look past beingness and created a sense of self based in effortful doinginess. Dissolving this mistaken habit reveals a profound stillness, love of life, wise action, and fulfillment.


To directly experience unlimited being as our own reality; we must have an earnest heart, be open to letting go and resting as this truth. This is the purpose of this course, to safely guide you in this direct experience. 

I'm David

I am a global instructor of The Sedona Method®, an author, mentor, and coach in awakening. Whether leading a United Nations Leadership Program or coaching people of all walks of life, I’ve witnessed countless moments of self-realization when people see beyond the limits of who they had perceived themselves to be - to the deepest truth of their being. 

Throughout my life, being on stage worldwide, performing, teaching, and coaching, it has become clear that the core of human emotional and spiritual suffering is this mistaken belief in a little "me" who must work hard to prove their worthiness to be taking up space.  

In this work, I combine ancient practices of letting go with The Sedona Method®, non-dual inquiry, breath work, guided meditation, and compassion, to help reveal that the simplicity and miraculous radiance of your pure being is enough to supply the abundant love and peace you long for.   

Peace of Mind

"More than realizing I am not my story, I've come to experience peace of mind and joy as uninfluenced by events of this world!"

~Jan Nolte

Recovering from Cancer

"Originally, I took the Sedona Method to release the emotions that contributed to my ulcers and diverticulitus. Learning that emotions did not have to run my life changed my life forever. Recently, releasing allowed me to recover from cancer without getting lost in the fear of death."

~ Pavani Talbot

Gay Hendricks, says, Simple Brilliance

"Brilliantly simple and simply brilliant! The Sedona Method is a great resource for coaches, therapists, healers, managers, and anyone who desires deep, gentle change at a rapid pace."

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., author of Conscious Loving and The Conscious Heart




How long have you found it hard to relax? Or felt an urgent drive to achieve, gain approval, work hard to feel worthy, or fulfill yours or other's expectations? 

This course will focus on the exhausting belief that you must earn the right to happiness. It's time for your relief in knowing your being is whole, complete, and enough. Join us and together we'll gently embrace our humanness, then let go, and step into the radiance of our true ease, freedom, and being.

Course Highlights:

  • Introspective exercises to uncover and dismantle the unmeetable expectations that have driven you.
  • Learn and deepen the Sedona Method® gentle and powerful techniques for letting go.
  • Guided meditations and breath work to down-regulate the nervous system and soften the noise of the mind.
  • 1 on 1 releasing with me.
  • Laughter
  • Clarity of how to live a vital life of both success, stillness, and yes, passion.

Embrace the truth of who you are, open and free awareness living a human life.

Choose your payment

Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right choice for you:

One-Time Payment

$497 $397

One and Done!


  • Work with David 1-1 for letting go and uncovering peace
  • Access to the video recording for life
  • Documents that serve your continued awakening after the course. 
  • A BONUS downloadable audio meditation

Three Payments = $397




  • Work with David 1-1 for letting go and uncovering peace
  • Access to the video recording for life

  • Documents that serve your continued awakening after the course.

  • A BONUS downloadable audio meditation



If you aren’t satisfied or have not found value in your The Peace and Power of Being course, let us know within the first 14-days after the event for a full refund. Email: [email protected].